I went out last night to a meeting about a new skincare line (which I'll be posting about more later.) and afterwords we went out to a place called the highball for an event called tittie bingo. Basically, its bingo with a porno style twist. We got to have drinks, call out obscure sex positions and watch a (edited, mind you.) porn form the 70's called "little girls blue" it was an epic night! I loved some of the quotes form the movie, none of which I'll repeat here. I want to take pictures of the highball for you all one day as its really a lovely bar, complete with a retro styled bowling ally that is the same bowlling ally from "the big lebowsky", but enough about that, on to the oufit!
Tights; Dept store
Ring, earings; not sure
bracelate; made by my friend
Gayle. Who still does not have an etsy shop.
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